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From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
Revision as of 18:48, 16 March 2011 by NeilK (talk | contribs) (adding more contact info)
Neil Kandalgaonkar

Neil Kandalgaonkar has been the Software Developer of the Wikimedia Multimedia Usability Project since January 2010.

This is what they wrote about me: "Neil Kandalgaonkar brings in the breadth of experience in software engineering from major social networking web sites such as Flickr and Upcoming.org as well as a stint at Google on the Google Checkout team."

How to contact me:

Email: neilk (at) wikimedia dot org

Instant messaging: like most MediaWiki developers here I use IRC. I am 'neilk_' and can usually be found in the #mediawiki and #wikimedia-tech channels.

You can theoretically reach me by phone at the Wikimedia Foundation, but be warned I have a strategic ignorance about how my voice mail works.

I find it's helpful to keep a sort of public work blog. I don't guarantee I'll update it every day though.

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