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Archive talk:Planned Spending Distribution 2007-2008

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
Revision as of 09:01, 22 October 2007 by Anthere (talk | contribs)

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Some points of interest

Spending on technology more than doubles in the current year compared with last year, to USD 2.3m in 07-08, from 0.724m in 06-07. This is partly to redress some deficiencies - for example, we only have two developers, and we intend to hire more. It's also an acknowledgment of our increasing popularity: for example, this year, our bandwidth bill is expected to be double last year's.

Key positions have been or will be filled in 07-08, that were vacant or filled on a part-time basis only in 06-07. That includes for example: legal counsel, accountant (was half-time), biz dev (has been half-time), COO, executive director.

We are creating new positions that we think are necessary for the Foundation to improve and grow. You all know about the jobs posted on the Foundation site: we're hiring, for example, a fundraiser, someone to look after public outreach, someone to look after partnerships development, etc.

We are setting aside a small amount of money to commission work that can't be done by the staff, for either capacity or expertise reasons. For example, we've occasionally been hiring project managers, developers, legal firms, and analysts/advisors/consultants of various kinds.

The overall monthly spend is USD 383K in 07-08, compared with 151K in 06-07. That's roughly 4.6m annually in 07-08; 1.8m in 06-07. Bear in mind that spending last year was artificially depressed by the high number of vacancies, which led to a general lack of activity.