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From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
Revision as of 19:32, 5 November 2010 by Jalexander (talk | contribs) (some social network js for now . May need to add some more)

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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */
var currentTab = 0;

function showHideTabs(tabNo){
  var tableNames = new Array("table1","table2","table3","table4","table5");
  var tabNames = new Array("Tab1","Tab2","Tab3","Tab4","Tab5");
  for (var i = 0; i < tableNames.length; i++) {
    } else {
  currentTab = tabNo;

function changeColor(tabNo,inOut){
  var tabNames = new Array("Tab1","Tab2","Tab3","Tab4","Tab5");
  tabObj = document.getElementById(tabNames[tabNo]);
  } else {  
    } else {

/* Test if an element has a certain class **************************************
 * Description: Uses regular expressions and caching for better performance.
 * Maintainers: [[w:User:Mike Dillon]], [[w:User:R. Koot]], [[w:User:SG]]
var hasClass = (function () {
    var reCache = {};
    return function (element, className) {
        return (reCache[className] ? reCache[className] : (reCache[className] = new RegExp("(?:\\s|^)" + className + "(?:\\s|$)"))).test(element.className);

/** Collapsible tables *********************************************************
 *  Description: Allows tables to be collapsed, showing only the header. See
 *               [[w:Wikipedia:NavFrame]].
 *  Maintainers: [[w:User:R. Koot]]

var autoCollapse = 2;
var collapseCaption = "hide";
var expandCaption = "show";

function collapseTable( tableIndex )
    var Button = document.getElementById( "collapseButton" + tableIndex );
    var Table = document.getElementById( "collapsibleTable" + tableIndex );

    if ( !Table || !Button ) {
        return false;

    var Rows = Table.rows;

    if ( Button.firstChild.data == collapseCaption ) {
        for ( var i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) {
            Rows[i].style.display = "none";
        Button.firstChild.data = expandCaption;
    } else {
        for ( var i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) {
            Rows[i].style.display = Rows[0].style.display;
        Button.firstChild.data = collapseCaption;

function createCollapseButtons()
    var tableIndex = 0;
    var NavigationBoxes = new Object();
    var Tables = document.getElementsByTagName( "table" );

    for ( var i = 0; i < Tables.length; i++ ) {
        if ( hasClass( Tables[i], "collapsible" ) ) {

            /* only add button and increment count if there is a header row to work with */
            var HeaderRow = Tables[i].getElementsByTagName( "tr" )[0];
            if (!HeaderRow) continue;
            var Header = HeaderRow.getElementsByTagName( "th" )[0];
            if (!Header) continue;

            NavigationBoxes[ tableIndex ] = Tables[i];
            Tables[i].setAttribute( "id", "collapsibleTable" + tableIndex );

            var Button     = document.createElement( "span" );
            var ButtonLink = document.createElement( "a" );
            var ButtonText = document.createTextNode( collapseCaption );

            Button.className = "collapseButton";  //Styles are declared in Common.css

            ButtonLink.style.color = Header.style.color;
            ButtonLink.setAttribute( "id", "collapseButton" + tableIndex );
            ButtonLink.setAttribute( "href", "javascript:collapseTable(" + tableIndex + ");" );
            ButtonLink.appendChild( ButtonText );

            Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "[" ) );
            Button.appendChild( ButtonLink );
            Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "]" ) );

            Header.insertBefore( Button, Header.childNodes[0] );

    for ( var i = 0;  i < tableIndex; i++ ) {
        if ( hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], "collapsed" ) || ( tableIndex >= autoCollapse && hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], "autocollapse" ) ) ) {
            collapseTable( i );
        else if ( hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], "innercollapse" ) ) {
            var element = NavigationBoxes[i];
            while (element = element.parentNode) {
                if ( hasClass( element, "outercollapse" ) ) {
                    collapseTable ( i );

addOnloadHook( createCollapseButtons );

/** Dynamic Navigation Bars (experimental) *************************************
 *  Description: See [[w:Wikipedia:NavFrame]].
 *  Maintainers: UNMAINTAINED

// set up the words in your language
var NavigationBarHide = '[' + collapseCaption + ']';
var NavigationBarShow = '[' + expandCaption + ']';

// shows and hides content and picture (if available) of navigation bars
// Parameters:
//     indexNavigationBar: the index of navigation bar to be toggled
function toggleNavigationBar(indexNavigationBar)
    var NavToggle = document.getElementById("NavToggle" + indexNavigationBar);
    var NavFrame = document.getElementById("NavFrame" + indexNavigationBar);

    if (!NavFrame || !NavToggle) {
        return false;

    // if shown now
    if (NavToggle.firstChild.data == NavigationBarHide) {
        for (var NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild != null; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling) {
            if ( hasClass( NavChild, 'NavPic' ) ) {
                NavChild.style.display = 'none';
            if ( hasClass( NavChild, 'NavContent') ) {
                NavChild.style.display = 'none';
    NavToggle.firstChild.data = NavigationBarShow;

    // if hidden now
    } else if (NavToggle.firstChild.data == NavigationBarShow) {
        for (var NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild != null; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling) {
            if (hasClass(NavChild, 'NavPic')) {
                NavChild.style.display = 'block';
            if (hasClass(NavChild, 'NavContent')) {
                NavChild.style.display = 'block';
        NavToggle.firstChild.data = NavigationBarHide;

// adds show/hide-button to navigation bars
function createNavigationBarToggleButton()
    var indexNavigationBar = 0;
    // iterate over all < div >-elements 
    var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
    for (var i = 0; NavFrame = divs[i]; i++) {
        // if found a navigation bar
        if (hasClass(NavFrame, "NavFrame")) {

            var NavToggle = document.createElement("a");
            NavToggle.className = 'NavToggle';
            NavToggle.setAttribute('id', 'NavToggle' + indexNavigationBar);
            NavToggle.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:toggleNavigationBar(' + indexNavigationBar + ');');

            var isCollapsed = hasClass( NavFrame, "collapsed" );
             * Check if any children are already hidden.  This loop is here for backwards compatibility:
             * the old way of making NavFrames start out collapsed was to manually add style="display:none"
             * to all the NavPic/NavContent elements.  Since this was bad for accessibility (no way to make
             * the content visible without JavaScript support), the new recommended way is to add the class
             * "collapsed" to the NavFrame itself, just like with collapsible tables.
            for (var NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild != null && !isCollapsed; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling) {
                if ( hasClass( NavChild, 'NavPic' ) || hasClass( NavChild, 'NavContent' ) ) {
                    if ( NavChild.style.display == 'none' ) {
                        isCollapsed = true;
            if (isCollapsed) {
                for (var NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild != null; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling) {
                    if ( hasClass( NavChild, 'NavPic' ) || hasClass( NavChild, 'NavContent' ) ) {
                        NavChild.style.display = 'none';
            var NavToggleText = document.createTextNode(isCollapsed ? NavigationBarShow : NavigationBarHide);

            // Find the NavHead and attach the toggle link (Must be this complicated because Moz's firstChild handling is borked)
            for(var j=0; j < NavFrame.childNodes.length; j++) {
                if (hasClass(NavFrame.childNodes[j], "NavHead")) {
            NavFrame.setAttribute('id', 'NavFrame' + indexNavigationBar);

addOnloadHook( createNavigationBarToggleButton );

// ability to pull [[MediaWiki:Gadget-rtl.css]] on individual page loads by [[testwiki:User:Splarka]] and [[wm2008:User:Mr.Z-man]]
function importStylesheet(page) {
  if (page.indexOf('http://') == -1 && page.indexOf('https://') == -1 && page.indexOf('file:///') == -1)
     page = wgScript + '?action=raw&ctype=text/css&smaxage=0&title='
     + encodeURIComponent(page.replace(/ /g,'_'))
  return document.createStyleSheet ? document.createStyleSheet(page) : appendCSS('@import "' + page + '";')
function appendCSS(text){
var s = document.createElement('style')
s.setAttribute('type', 'text/css')
if (s.styleSheet) s.styleSheet.cssText = text //IE
else s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text))
return s
if(document.URL.indexOf('rtl=1') != -1) importStylesheet('http://wikimediafoundation.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Rtl.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css');

 //Twitter/facebook etc. See [[template:Social bookmarks]]
 //makes stuff in id="social_bookmarks" open in new window
 //and dynamically re-writes links to twitter to shorten urls
 //Borrowed from enWikinews common.js http://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Common.js&oldid=1115930
var newSmallPopup = function(url) {
return (function () {
window.open(url, "_blank", "width=640,height=480,menubar,resizable,scrollbars,status,toolbar");
return false;
links[i].onclick = newSmallPopup(links[i].href);