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OAuth protocol version
OAuth 1.0a
DoctorBot is a Javascript-based library of code intended to map various biological data from various databases into Wikidata, either by adding new Items, or by annotating existing items. DoctorBot is also a Wikidata bot account that I use to prototype and experiment with the DoctorBot library. I am developing a testbed fully in the browser, where I want to be able to demonstrate DoctorBot without any server running (other than Wikidata, of course). I have tried to use various means to obtain an edit token from my logged-in DoctorBot account, but I encounter CORS restrictions. I was advised by the mediawiki-api mailing list that I need to use Owner-only OAuth to accomplish this. Of course, I will not be storing the keys and credentials in the source code, but will require they be entered for the demo. Once I've accomplished what I need, my Javascript code will be deployed as a proper Bot in a NodeJS server, where the CORS issue will disappear.
Applicable project
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OAuth "callback URL"
Allow consumer to specify a callback in requests and use "callback" URL above as a required prefix.
Applicable grants
  • Interact with pages
Edit existing pages
  • Perform authentication actions for self and others
Access two-factor authentication (OATH) information for self and others (risk rating: internal)

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