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Šablon:Privacy statement/sr

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
Revision as of 09:03, 17 November 2022 by BPipal (WMF) (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Овај пројекат ће нам помоћи за $purpose, $purpose2 и $purpose3.")
Template documentation

Ova izjava o privatnosti dopunjuje Politiku privatnosti Fondacije Vikimedija za učesnike . Ovde opisujemo kako prikupljamo, koristimo, delimo, čuvamo i brišemo informacije koje dobijamo od učesnika.

Sažetak izjave o privatnosti
Podaci koje prikupimo će se koristiti za otvorenu analizu i istraživanje
Prikupljeni podaci
Objavljeni podaci
Pristup podacima
Fondacija VikimedijaDa
  • Pružaoci usluga
Skladištenje i brisanje podataka
Zadržavanje neobrađenih podataka90 dana
Lokacija podatakaSAD i drugi
Molimo pročitajte celu Izjavu o privatnosti

ikona Korišćenje i upotreba informacija

Zašto prikupljamo vaše podatke

This project will help us . We will use the information you provide to:

For more information about this project, please email @wikimedia.org.

How we collect your information

What information we collect

If you choose to participate, we will ask you to provide the following types of information:

Responses to questions
such as defined and free-form responses

ikona Sharing

How we share your information

Publishing: Objavićemo podatke koji identifikuju (kao što su direktni citati sa pripisivanjem) i podatke koji ne identifikuju (kao što su anonimni citati, statistika ili drugi zbirni podaci). Kako bismo olakšali ovo objavljivanje, saglasni ste da licencirate svoje doprinose zaštićene autorskim pravima pod uslovima [$url1 Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0] i [$url2 4.0].

Access: Raw data will only be shared with Wikimedia staff, contractors, and service providers who need to process this information and are subject to non-disclosure obligations.

Other sharing: We may disclose any collected information when required by law, when we have your permission, when needed to protect our rights, privacy, safety, users, or the general public, and when necessary to enforce our Terms of Use or any other Wikimedia policy.

ikona Protection

How long we keep your information

The raw data we collect will be deleted, de-identified, or aggregated within 90 days. See our data retention guidelines for more information.

Who to contact

If you have questions, please email @wikimedia.org. Participants who wish to change, access, or delete information they provided should contact us with their requests.

Please note that in the event of any differences in meaning or interpretation between the original English version of this Privacy Statement and a translation, the original English version takes precedence.