Resolution: Revision of open-ended Chapter approvals

Resolutions Revision of open-ended Chapter approvals Feedback?
This vote unanimously approved tying up the last open-ended chapter approvals. It was passed on March 31, 2012.

The Board hereby revises the existing resolutions passed prior to February, 2011 which recognized Wikimedia Chapters "pending signature of the Chapters Agreement," so that this open-ended status is revoked if an Agreement has not been signed by September 1, 2012. This deadline may be extended on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Foundation's Executive Director.

The two groups affected by this that have not yet signed a Chapter agreement are in Brasil and Macedonia:

Phoebe Ayers, Ting Chen, Bishakha Datta, Matt Halprin, Samuel Klein, Arne Klempert, Jan-Bart de Vreede, Jimmy Wales, Kat Walsh, Stu West