Translations:Policy:Office actions/90/en-gb

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
Revision as of 12:16, 21 June 2023 by Reedy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Office actions are performed strictly by Foundation staff or contractors. They may be authorised by any representative or delegate of the Wikimedia Foundation - such as the chair of the Foundation Board of Trustees (currently Nataliia Tymkiv) or a member of the Board, the Foundation's legal counsel, certain members of the [$staff Foundation office staff] or as prescribed by each individual policy related to the specific office action.")
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Office actions are performed strictly by Foundation staff or contractors. They may be authorised by any representative or delegate of the Wikimedia Foundation - such as the chair of the Foundation Board of Trustees (currently Nataliia Tymkiv) or a member of the Board, the Foundation's legal counsel, certain members of the [$staff Foundation office staff] or as prescribed by each individual policy related to the specific office action.